Jean-Christophe Barat

Jean-Christophe Barat

Growth Back In

Growth - BAck - IN

I have developped these last years an organisation concept linked with 3 areas that explain all the organisation, association, companies, groups, clubs, families, tribes, gouvernements.
Growth : Dept in charge of explained, sell, developped the "in".
Back : All the activities linked with the structure of the organization.
In : The heart of the system, the real value.
Scrum Manager / LECTURER
Scrum Manager / Lecturer / Incubator advisor

Jean-christophe barat


I have developped these last years an organisation concept linked with 3 areas that explain all the organisation, association, companies, groups, clubs, families, tribes, gouvernements.
Scrum Manager / Lecturer / Incubator advisor


Overview: Weather,
Global Warming and
Climate Change

“Climate change” and “global warming” are often used interchangeably but have distinct meanings.

ABout ME

1. The organic functioning of all systems, and the conditioning of its players.
I postulate that all organizations are based on 3 pillars: (Growth) (Back) (In).
Many companies (in the original sense) are born from this triptych, but end up setting up schemes that are in reality nothing more than a splintering of the "in" by constructing a "production/support" organizational dichotomy driven by an Anglo-Saxon a priori of efficiency, which doesn't seem to me to be the right balance in the long term.

There are no bad actors, but rather inefficient systems that integrate "non-conforming elements".
Companies, organizations, tribes, clans, families and associations are all based on the 3 pillars and the dilution of their players.
2. Data management is an issue of sovereignty..
It's no longer enough to say "if it's free, you're the product".

Data is everywhere, and the dark web is teeming with information about individuals. Having free e-mail accounts, spending our time on social networks and not paying attention to the conditions of ownership of our data is catastrophic.
The notion of Web3 and the appropriation of proof of one's computer existence seems to me to be a life-saving opportunity.